Cambridge Academy of English (CAE) (Adults 17+)
A perfect mix of a world famous-university city, fantastic architecture, an international, youthful and lively atmosphere, classic and modern English culture and tradition, and some of world’s finest English language schools.
The city of Cambridge was founded on the banks of the River Cam, 90 km northeast of London, and is located in the county of the same name (Cambridgeshire), of which it is the main cultural, commercial, and administrative center of Southwest England.
Cambridge dates back to pre-Roman times, and because of its strategic position on the river, it soon became one of the most important centers north of London, and at the beginning of the Thirteenth century, it was chosen as a university location in opposition to Oxford, Since then, it has rivaled Oxford for the title of the British capital of culture and study (as well as for the famous rowing title).
Girton, the neighborhood in which the Cambridge Academy is located, is a village of about 4,500 people 2 miles (3.2 km) to the northwest. It dates back to the Middle Ages and since has been the home of Cambridge University’s Girton College since 1872.
Cambridge Academy of English at a glance
- Year of foundation: 1975
- Type of city: University (population 124,000)
- School’s position in the city: Suburbs
- Minimum age in adult school: 17
- Number of students in school: Average 65-70, Maximum 150
- Main type of public transport in Cambridge: City buses every day until 23:00, bicycles
- Approximate number of nationalities in school each year: 57
Cambridge Academy Adult School, Main and Professional Buildings, Teenage Homestay Program: 65 High Street, Girton, Cambridge CB3 0QD, England
“I have been working with this school since 2003 and I can say that it is truly one of the finest English language schools I know. When a client wants to study English abroad and gives me no preference as to school or destination, this is the school that I recommend. The staff get to know the students personally, and many of the host families, which are very near the school, work only for this school and not the others in Cambridge. This is important, as the staff believe, and as I do, in the importance of the homestay experience in language learning and maintaining good relationships with the hosts. The school is located in a quiet and green setting that is just 15 minutes by bus from the city center (I timed it when I rode there myself.) The school has high standards of quality in everything that they do and have always resisted trends in the marketplace that cater to large numbers of students but which can sacrifice quality. At the same time, however, the school is flexible enough to satisfy students who might have special requests. The principal himself (besides being personable and having a great sense of humor) is always available to hear the needs of students without automatically delegating requests to his staff. The school also offers great value for the money—the price is in line with the other schools in Cambridge, but includes the 10 self-study hours with the assistance of a teacher in the cost of the intensive course. These are valuable for students who want to prepare for an exam, as the reading and writing portions are always given as homework. Of all the schools I work with, this is the one to which my students return the most. My pickiest clients contact me afterwards to say how happy they themselves or their sons and daughters were with their experience there.”
Cambridge Academy of English
Why Study English at the Cambridge Academy?
The Cambridge Academy of English is ranked in the top 10 of 460 of language schools in the United Kingdom. Every four years, the British Council carries out an inspection of its member schools in the UK (nearly all reputable language schools in the UK are accredited by the British Council). During its inspection, the British Council grades a school in 13 areas like teaching, care of students, accommodation, and in 15 areas if the school also has programs for young learners. For each area, a school can receive a grade of “acceptable,” or it can exceed the expectations of the examiner. When the latter is the case, the school receives what’s called a “strength” in that area. As a result of these inspections, language schools in the UK receive an average of 3.5 strengths. On its last inspection, the Cambridge Academy of English received 13 out of a possible 15!
- CAE’s prices are the same all year round. There are no high-season rates.
- The school offers free course materials, e-learning, WiFi and after-school activities.
- CAE’s school, homestays and residence are all situated just outside of the world-famous university city of Cambridge. No other Cambridge school offers all student accommodation within 2.2 km of the school
- All its residential young learner courses offer 24-hour supervision in attractive rural locations.
Variety and Accessibility
- CAE is the only school in Cambridge to offer English courses for adult students, business people, lawyers, and young learners aged 8-17.
- CAE is the only school in Cambridge that is open on Sundays. Its campus is a real ‘home away from home’ to which students can return in the evenings and on Sundays for fun activities, additional private study time and even free speaking clubs with a teacher.

The facilities
- Three permanent, year round buildings
- 14 classrooms
- Free WIFI
- Computer Room
- Library
- Interactive listening center
- Extensive Audio Video center
- Common room with large screen TV, magazines and newspapers and piano
- A large garden surrounding the school buildings
- Cafeteria for lunch and snacks
Self-study is a very important part of the program at CAE. The self-study skills acquired at CAE will make it possible for the student to continue to develop his or her English when he or she returns to the home country. CAE’s self-access Study Centre is fully equipped with the latest technology for language learning. The student will always be able to get professional assistance from the teacher in charge of the Study Centre. All the materials are carefully graded and color-coded for the various ability levels (Elementary, Lower intermediate, Upper-intermediate and Advanced). The Self -Access Centre consists of the following elements:
Multi-Media Centre –12 stations together with a teacher’s console. Classes are frequently held in the Multi-media Centre, with the teacher directing the lesson from the control console. At other times, students can access a wide range of language learning activities to develop listening and speaking skills (e.g. pronunciation exercises, dictations, ‘talking’ books and video clips with accompanying work-sheets, and additional exam-practice materials).
Interactive Internet Room – During lessons this room is an interactive classroom with 12 internet stations and an electronic whiteboard. During self-study periods, CAE students can use the 12 stations for surfing the internet and for emailing free of charge.
Computer Centre – This contains computers equipped with up-to-date versions of the Microsoft Office suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.) as well as language learning software for developing reading and writing skills.
Library – the library at CAE is a particular favorite of students. It is large and well-lit with comfortable furniture. It is stocked with fiction, as well as factual and reference books. In addition, the library holds a wide range of examination materials and grammar and vocabulary exercises for all levels.
CAE-learning – CAE-learning is the new e-learning package specially designed for CAE. All adult students will have access to the system as soon as they enroll. The package is constantly extending and includes weekly comprehension exercises based on authentic news videos, level-based exercises tailored to student needs, exam practice, the weekly CAE social programme, and so much more. Teachers will carry out their regular class tutorials on CAE-learning so that they can advise students individually and set them special work.
The courses
- Minimum age – 17 years
- Course duration: 2-52 weeks
- Number of lessons: 21 in classroom + 10 lessons of teacher-assisted self-study
- Length of lesson: 60 minutes
- Language levels: 7 from Beginner to Advanced
- Start dates: Most Mondays
- Course structure: General English plus Electives
- Course extras: regular 1:1 tutorials, study trips to London and around Cambridge, e-learning platform
- Average age of students on General English courses: 20 – 23
- Minimum age – 17 years
- Course duration: 12 weeks or 4 weeks (July and August). Shorter periods can also be booked
- Number of lessons: 21 in classroom + 10 lessons of teacher-assisted self-study
- Length of lesson: 60 minutes
- Language levels: from Intermediate to Advanced
- Start dates: March, June, July, August, December (see dates and fees)
- Course structure: General English plus Exam Electives
- Exams available: IELTS, FCE, CAE, CPE, TOEFL, TOEIC
- Course extras: regular 1:1 tutorials, study trips to London and around Cambridge, e-learning platform
- Average age of students on General English/Exam courses: 20-23
CAE has been preparing students for major English language examinations since 1975 – and exam courses remain its core activity. The two most commonly requested exam courses are IELTS (required for entry to UK universities) and the Cambridge exams (First Certificate, Certificate of Advanced English, Certificate of Proficiency in English), which are also available in the summer.
This important test of academic English is used by many universities around the world as an entry requirement. To achieve a high IELTS score, candidates need a high level of oral English combined with skills in academic writing and reading. By combining our morning programs with academic training in the afternoon we are able to offer a preparation programme that can be followed for several months or as little as two weeks, and at any time in the year.
Cambridge Exams
The main requirement for success in the Cambridge exams is an appropriate level of General, or “everyday” English. Practice in the specific “exam technique” of the Cambridge exams is also very useful. The ideal preparation for Cambridge exams is 8-12 weeks, but the school realizes that in many cases students have less time available for study, especially in summer. It therefore offers three courses leading to Cambridge exams in March, June and December (all are 12 weeks but available over a shorter period, if necessary) and two courses leading to exams in July and August (4-6 weeks) In addition to training in General English, students on these courses will have the opportunity to practice examples of the tasks set by the Cambridge exams in the afternoon Cambridge Exam Workshops. However, all Adult General English classes at Cambridge Academy are broadly based on the ‘communicative’ Cambridge Examinations syllabus – so that even a short stay at Cambridge Academy will provide useful training in the General English that forms the basis of the Cambridge exams. Such shorter courses can be booked at any time of year.
Other exams
The flexible Electives program can also prepare students for other examinations, such as TOEFL and TOEIC.

A typical day at the Cambridge Academy of English
The example timetable here is for a student who chooses an Examination preparation course:
9:15-10:45 New Language – lessons in grammar and structures, vocabulary extension and pronunciation. The emphasis will be on using imaginative and original exercises to improve the student’s ability to communicate accurately in English. For exam candidates this will provide essential training in accurate language both for the oral and written exams.
10:45 – 11:15 Break
11:15 – 12:45 Language Skills – a period to concentrate on one or two of the four skills – Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. These periods are designed to make the student confident in his or her ability to understand the English he or she both reads and hears, and also to speak and write fluently. This will enable the student to be more relaxed about everyday situations and to be more assured when he or she faces the various tasks set in the chosen exam.
12:45 – 13:45 Lunch
13:45 – 15:15 Electives – Electives are special areas of English study that the course participant “elects,” or chooses. This is the part of the day that gives him or her the opportunity to concentrate on the exact techniques that he or she will need for the different parts of the chosen examination. IELTS candidates will most likely wish to follow an Academic English elective, while students training for one of the Cambridge exams will find the Cambridge Examinations Workshop particularly useful. They are run for 90 minutes every afternoon from Monday to Thursday.
15:30 – 17:30 Teacher-assisted study – the school stays open so that students can use the library, multi-media centre or internet centre for private study, and a teacher is always available for advice where necessary. This is the perfect opportunity for examination candidates to test themselves with exam questions from previous years – with the advantage that the student can get immediate help with any difficulties.
If the student’s course is not an Examination preparation Course, the schedule will be the same as above, but the Electives and Teacher- Assisted Study periods can cover topics other than exam preparation.
Afternoon Course Electives
The system of afternoon “Electives” at Cambridge Academy enables students to adapt their studies as much as possible to their individual academic plans, career or personal interests. Electives are special areas of English study that course participants “elector choose, for themselves. They are run for 90 minutes every afternoon from Monday to Thursday, every week of the course. Some are offered throughout the year and others change every few weeks. A student can take an elective in a wide variety of subjects. It would be impossible to give a complete list of the electives at CAE – because the school is always adding new ones to the list! However, here are some very popular subjects:
Academic English
- English for Academic Purposes – For those who need Academic English (especially IELTS or TOEFL) for University or school.
- Cambridge Exam Workshop – Allow the students to get to know the FCE, CAE and CPE exams in detail and work on problem areas.
- Writing Practice – This is the ideal elective for those students who need extra help with basic writing skills.
- Grammar Workshop – An opportunity to do some intensive work in the areas of English grammar that a student finds to be a particular problem.
Speaking and Listening
- Vocabulary in Situations – In the marketplace, at the airport, visiting the dentist – there are needs for different vocabulary every time. This is a chance to discover new words and phrases for a wide range of interesting situations.
- Multi-media English – For those who find listening and speaking particularly difficult. There are lots of fun activities as well as serious practice using the audio-visual equipment in the Multimedia Center.
- Ideas and Issues -This is a chance for students to use their English to express opinions on subjects that are important to them – the
more controversial the better! - Cartoon Films – Here students can learn some REAL English from the Simpsons, South Park, etc. These are great for listening, good for those who like a challenge.
- Reading for Pleasure – Stories, poems, plays, song lyrics – this is an elective to get students reading and speaking.
Special Interest
- Cambridge People and Places – Find out about historic Cambridge city, visit some of the places and meet some of the people from one of the most famous university cities in the world.
- Communication in Business – Here students can learn to develop the language people need for the world of business. They can practice all of their skills in a business context. This elective is recommended for TOEIC students, too.
- Film Studies – Watching films and discussing them is great for listening, speaking and vocabulary.
English for Law Students and Young Lawyers
- For law students and young practicing lawyers
- Level: intermediate to advanced English
- Run by trainers qualified and experienced in teaching English for Law
- Course length: 3 weeks
- Courses in winter and summer
- Maximum 12 participants per class
- Course content: 21 hours (of 60 minutes) plus 10 hours of teacher-assisted self-study per week
- Meetings with members of the legal profession
- Visits to legal institutions in London and in Cambridge
- Course materials are included in cost
- Minimum age: 20
CAE has many years of experience teaching English for Law and is the only British Council recognized center in Cambridge which offers scheduled courses in English for Law and the Legal Profession. These skills based courses are for more advanced students of law and for young practicing lawyers who wish to improve their knowledge of English in the context of English and European law.
In three weeks, a student can expect to:
- Activate and make more fluent the knowledge that the student already has
- Develop communication skills, both oral and written
- Expand knowledge of vocabulary, legal and general
- Learn how to keep up and develop the student’s English when he or she returns home
- Above all, gain confidence in the student’s use of English
The emphasis at all times is on communication and language skills within a legal context:
- Communication skills, negotiating, eliciting facts, presenting data
- Reading skills: understanding the language and analyzing the structure of legal sources (e,g. statutes and case law)
- Writing skills: drafting legal documents (e.g. contracts and letters)
- Systematic development of legal and general English vocabulary
The course also includes:
- Meetings with members of the legal profession
- A full-day visit to legal institutions in London
- An optional visit to local law courts

Course of Legal English International Skills (LEGIS)
LEGIS is course for those with an academic or professional interest in Legal English.
- Level – Intermediate and above
- Trainers qualified and experienced in teaching English for Law
- Course duration: 4 weeks
- Maximum 12 per class
- 21 hours (of 60 minutes) plus 10 hours of teacher-assisted
- private study per week
- 8 courses per year
- Legal English test available on each course
This is a skills-based English for Law course which offers participants a total of 60 hours of General English and 24 hours of training in specific legal English language and skills over a 4-week period. The program is also suitable preparation for the new Legal English International Test (LEGIT), which has recently been developed specifically for legal English students at the Cambridge Academy of English.
LEGIS Course Aims
- Learn key legal English vocabulary
- Improve writing skills and your fluency
- Expand knowledge of English both for law and for general
- purposes
- Demonstrate the student’s skills with an end-of-course test and certificate
- Legal English Skills
- Professional language skills focusing on key areas of speaking, listening, reading and writing for the following topics: Contracts, Company Law, Employment Law, Litigation, Employment, Intellectual Property and International Law
Legal English International Test (LEGIT)
The NEW Legal English International Test (LEGIT) is a key exam for law students and lawyers who need to show proficiency in legal English. The exam has been developed specifically for CAE and its students. All testing takes place at CAE and test certificates are issued on completion of the course. CAE is particularly well-equipped to prepare students for LEGIT, having already successfully taught a variety of English for Law and Legal English exam courses for over 25 years.
English for Business Students
- 4-week courses available all year round
- Course content – 21 hours (of 60 minutes) plus 10 hours of teacher assisted self-study per week
- 15 hours of General English and 6 hours of Business English per week
- For students of business and young business professionals aged 17+
- Opportunity to prepare for and take the TOEIC or BULATS
- Minimum level of English: Intermediate
- Maximum 12 per class
This is a skills-based course that takes full advantage of Cambridge Academy’s flexible “Electives” system with General English classes in the mornings and 6 hours of training in specific business language and skills in the afternoons. The program is also suitable as a preparation for TOEIC or BULATS.
English for Business Students Course Aims
- Activate and make more fluent the knowledge of English the student already has
- Develop the student’s communication skills – both oral and written
- Expand knowledge of English both for business and for general purposes
- Develop the student’s ability to carry on improving your English when he or she returns home
- Above all, gain confidence in the student’s use of English Business English Skills
- Professional speaking skills (e.g. presentations, negotiations, meetings, telephoning)
- Reading and listening skills (e.g. marketing, finance, management)
- Vocabulary skills
BULATS (Business Language Testing Service)
BULATS is an increasingly popular online test of business language administered by Cambridge ESOL. There is no “pass/fail.” Instead, results are scored, and the Report Form given at the end of the test includes examples of language tasks that a candidate with a certain score should be able to handle. For this reason – and the fact that the test can be taken at any time – BULATS is an extremely useful measurement of language ability both for English learners and their employers. Anyone enrolled on English for Business Students can include a BULATS test in their course.
From our clients
“Dear Ms. Marshall,
We just wanted to share with you our satisfaction with our daughter Sofia’s very positive experience. The month that she spent in Cambridge was very fruitful for her. She told us with much enthusiasm about the rich program of scholastic and after-school activities. There were six people in her class, each one of a different nationality, and they formed a nice group, also with the other classes. I personally accompanied Sofia to Cambridge, in order to to have a little vacation with her before the course. The day before we arrived, the host family sent us an email saying that they would also like to meet me, and invited us to go with them to their younger daughter’s swim competition. They were really nice!
Thank you so much for your work in organizing everything, for the support that you gave us and for the wonderful choice that you recommended to us.
Goodbye until next year!
Do you have a positive experience to share? Write to Rachel.

Host Family
CAE provides typically provide adult students a single room in a host family. The school and Marshall Language Services recommend this form of accommodation the most for language learning. It allows students to practice their English with native speakers, and they will not have to worry about shopping for food and preparing meals every day. Mealtimes are also the occasions in which families converse most with the students.
- Meals: Breakfast and dinner from Monday to Friday, all meals on Saturday and Sundays.
- Distance from school: on the average, the host families are in walking distance from the school, or a maximum 5-minute bus ride. The school can also help with bicycle rental.
- Students aged 14-16 are always placed in twin rooms, as are sometimes young adults (aged 16-18) in the summer. Two adults arriving together can request a room share, but the cost per person is the same as for a single room.
- Accommodation is from Sunday to Saturday. Is it possible to book extra nights at an additional cost.
- Private bathrooms in host families are only available for clients of the CAE Professional Centre.
- Adults aged 18+ do not have curfews.
Student Residence
Girton College Swirles Court (July and August only)
The accommodation is brand new and offered exclusively to CAE this summer. All rooms have private bathroom and modern furniture. It’s available for adult students aged 18+ and staying for 2 or more weeks. Within easy reach of CAE. 15-minute journey to school by walking to nearest bus stop and taking direct bus. Similar distance to city centre.
- Self-catering residence managed and staffed by Cambridge University.
- Self-catering, shared kitchen for 6-8 people. Large supermarket and café nearby.
- WiFi included.
- Laundry facilities available.
- Chance to socialise with other CAE students in residence and common room areas.
Girton College (Summer only)
Single rooms are available in Girton College to CAE students during the summer. Girton College is a 20 minute walk from CAE, or less than a 5-minute ride on Citibus 6. The college will be shared with other international students besides the ones attending CAE. It is a corridor-style residence with one bathroom for every 3-4 students and a shared kitchen with a stove, fridge, and microwave.
Girton College also offers the following:
- A cafeteria where breakfast, lunch, and dinner can be purchased.
- A general lounge. In July and August CAE has a room with a TV/video player as a common room for students to meet.
- An indoor swimming pool
- Tennis courts
- Porter’s Lodge with supervision 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- A large park surrounding the College
No Accommodation
It is possible to book only the course at the Cambridge Academy. For students who would prefer to stay in a hotel or bed and breakfast, the school can assist in making these arrangements.

Insurance covering medical and travel assistance, personal liability and trip cancellation is not included in the price of the program. Marshall Language Services has a policy available through Guard.Me that covers these elements, as well as an additional policy through CareMed that covers cancellation under a wider range of circumstances, including the need to repeat school exams. A summary of these policies may be downloaded below.
Dates and Fees
Contact us for information about dates & prices
Other Programs by this School
CAE Old Buckenham Hall Summer School
Cambridge Academy of English offers students aged 12-15 a residential summer school program at the prestigious Old Buckenham Hall boarding school. The programs include activities, excursions and transfers.
CAE Moreton Hall Summer School
Cambridge Academy of English offers students aged 9-13 a residential summer school program at the prestigious Moreton Hall boarding school. The programs include activities, excursions and transfers.
CAE Princess Helena College Summer School
Cambridge Academy of English offers students aged 14-17 a residential summer school program at the prestigious Princess Helena College boarding school. The programs include activities, excursions and transfers.
CAE Cambridge Homestay Summer School
Cambridge Academy of English offers students aged 14-16 a homestay summer school program at its year-round school located in Girton, Cambridge. This program is recommended for independent teenagers, and all homestays are located within close proximity to the school.